“Am I The Only One?” – Sports Column
“Am I The Only One”? who has absolutely no pity on poor, poor Roger Clemens who has now been indicted on possible (sure, possible, as sure as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, it’s that sure) perjury charges for lying to a grand jury on these charges he took steroids? OK, OK, he took steroids that’s obvious, but not enough to get him some jail time up the rive. Lying to a grand jury? No, no, Roger the K you have cooked your own goose, and it’s well done may I add. You now will …
***”Am I The Only One?” by AGee
****”Am I The Only One?” who’s trying to figure out what’s going on in the world of sports these days as all of South Florida counts the minutes and seconds till the NFL opens its season??? Even in these difficult financial times, baseball continues to draw well, with record crowds all over the country, except here in South Florida of course, when even on a good day, a crowd of 18 to 20 thousand is short of a miracle, and usually happens only on a Saturday night when an after game music show is provided… let’s face it, boys and …
……”Am I The Only One?” – Sports Column
…….”Am I The Only One?” who can’t believe all the excitement today about King Lebron James joining the Miami Heat?? Wow, Lebron, Dee Wade and Bosh on one team… Can you imagine? Order your NBA Finals tickets for 2011 immediately, if not sooner. Look out Kobe, look out Orlando Magic, look out Celtics! After all, the Heat will surely never lose a game this year. As a matter of fact, let’s not even bother playing the games, just give Coach Pat Riley the trophy right now, and avoid all this confrontation? My opinion?? Well, yours truly says: “Just hold on …
George Steinbrenner, Yankees Owner Dies, 1930-2010
by Ronald Blum – The Associated Press George Steinbrenner died Tuesday morning, July 13, 2010. a great loss for “The Boss” as he was known. Steinbrenner had a heart attack and died at about 6:30 am, a person close to the owner told The Associated Press. Hal of Famer Yogi Berra said, “He built the Yankees into champions, and that’s something nobody can ever deny. He was a very generous, caring, passionate man. We became great friends over the last decade and I will miss him very much.” In 37 – plus seasons as owner, Steinbrenner led the Yankees to …
“Am I The Only One?” – Sports Column
Who finds this time of year quite interesting in the world of sports? Why do you ask? Very simply, it’s the end of June, and the NBA and NHL playoffs just ended, NFL training camps don’t open for a month or so, and even baseball diehards like myself find the day to day “marathon” that baseball is, just a little bit tedious in this hot weather here in beautiful South Florida. So you ask, what are us sports aficionados watching on a daily basis??? Would you believe World Cup Soccer?? Just check out any of the many sports bars here …